Light Your Night

Helping girls in need is not just a matter of charity but a significant investment in the future

About Us

Background of the Organization

Big Minds Community Association (BMCA) is a non-profit community Based Organization (CBO) that is registered under Attorney General Office in Kenya under the Society’s Act 2019. The CBO advocates for Girl child welfare, women health care, Gender Based Violence (GBV), community empowerment and learning opportunities through community projects that promote social change, transformation, sustainable personal and youth development programs. Most of our projects/programs concentrate in Nairobi’s urban slums.

Empowering girl child welfare is not just a moral imperative; it is a necessary step toward building a fair and prosperous society. Girls, like boys, have dreams, aspirations, and potential that should not be constrained by gender-based discrimination.

Steps Towards Empowering Girl Child Welfare

Governments, communities, and organizations must work together to ensure that girls have equal access to quality education. Removing financial barriers, building safe schools, and implementing policies that promote gender equality in education are critical steps.

Enforcing laws and policies that protect the rights of girls, such as age limits for marriage and stringent penalties for child marriage, is essential. Legal reforms can act as a deterrent and provide a safeguard for girl children

Establishing support systems for girls who have experienced violence or abuse is crucial. These support systems can include counseling, legal assistance, and shelters, providing a safety net for those in need.

What we do

Wellness & Menstrual Health

We are targeting to collect 100,000 sanitary products to help the less fortunate young girls in our community. High levels of poverty force some girls to engage in unprotected sex so as to get money to buy the pads, pants and other basic needs.


We do not only distribute sanitary pads, but we also hold constructive and quality education programs intended to teaching and creating awareness to these the young women about their menstruation period and the importance of maintaining high sanitary hygiene.

Addressing Gender Based Violence

The terrible reality of gender-based violence, which includes sexual harassment and domestic abuse, is experienced by many less fortunate girls. Establishing safe spaces and support networks to deal with these problems is necessary to increase their resilience

Mentorship & Role Models

We also offer mentorship, moral support and encouragement to the young women to keep them motivated and get them more focused. We let them realize that there is more to life regardless of the humble backgrounds where they come from.

Building Supportive Community

At BMCA we work 24/7 trying to build new ideas and looking for new means to improve the lives of the thousands of young women living in the slums. We work to build a supportive community to support them.

Promoting Gender Equality

Discrimination and conventional gender stereotypes need to be challenged by society. This entails educating people about the value of girls' rights, giving them equal opportunity, and supporting laws that uphold and advance their interests


Pads Drive

We are targeting to collect 100,000 sanitary products to help the less fortunate young girls in our community. High levels of poverty force some girls to engage in unprotected sex so as to get money to buy the pads, pants and other basic needs.

Back to School Fee Drive

The terrible reality of gender-based violence, which includes sexual harassment and domestic abuse, is experienced by many less fortunate girls. Establishing safe spaces and support networks to deal with these problems is necessary to increase their resilience


Annabell Ndungu

“I have been volunteering with Big Minds Community Association for over two years now, and I have witnessed firsthand the incredible impact they make in communities. Their dedication to empowering individuals and fostering sustainable development is truly inspiring.”


Saline Ouma

“Thanks to Big Minds Community Association, I was able to receive the education I never thought was possible. Their scholarship program not only covered my tuition fees but also provided me with mentorship and support. Today, I am a proud graduate with a promising future ahead.”



Girls on scholarship program


Sanitary Towels given


Successfull Projects


Years of humanity

Get in touch

Addressing Challenges Faced by Girl Children

In a world that strives for progress and equality, it is crucial that we pay attention to the needs of less fortunate girls and provide them with opportunities to thrive and reach their full potential.

Strengthening Less Fortunate Girls

In the heart of many developing nations, poor slums are home to countless families struggling to make ends meet.